There is a correlation between tensile strength and compressive strength of concrete. This relationship will be slightly different for each concrete mix though some general relationships are often used. Where the tensile strength of concrete is a critical parameter a mix specific relationship between tensile strength and compressive strength should be obtained through testing. However in many cases the general relationship between tensile strength and compressive strength of concrete shown below is sufficient.
The CivilWeb Tensile Strength of Concrete spreadsheet includes the general relationship equation shown below, along with a tensile strength maturity relationship described in our Tensile Strength of Concrete post. The Tensile Strength of Concrete spreadsheet can be purchased for just £5 at the bottom of this page. Alternatively the CivilWeb Concrete Properties Suite of spreadsheets includes all our tensile, compressive and flexural strength spreadsheets for only £10.

Tensile Strength & Compressive Strength Correlations
Many correlations have been proposed relating compressive strength with tensile splitting strength. Each has been shown to be reasonably accurate with a particular concrete mix. The most commonly used general correlations are similar to the below;
A relationship between tensile splitting strength and flexural strength has also been discussed in our Tensile Strength & Flexural Strength post. As with any general correlations these should be used with caution. Where accurate values are required for design new correlations should be generated from mix specific test data.
Tensile Strength Testing
The tensile strength of concrete is generally measured using the split tensile strength test. Further information is provided in our Split Tensile Strength Test post.
CivilWeb Tensile Strength of Concrete Spreadsheet
Available for only £5.
Our full Concrete Properties Suite of spreadsheets is available for only £10.
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