Soakaway Construction Inspections

Typical Soakaway Construction Inspections

An example schedule of construction inspections is shown below. this is taken from the Soakaway Ultimate Design Guide.

Pre-Excavation Yes No N/A Comments
Suitable method statements have been submitted and reviewed
Ground has not been compacted
Suitable exclusion zones are in place to prevent compaction of the soils during construction
Suitable sediment control methods have been employed
Suitable erosion control methods have been employed
Runoff has been diverted away from proposed soakaway
Soil infiltration rates have been measured
No pollutants have contaminated the soil
Suitable measures are in place to prevent any construction pollution or spillages from contaminating the soil
Backfill and geotextiles are being stored in a suitable manner
During Excavation Yes No N/A Comments
Excavation is to correct level
Sides and base of excavation are stable and as designed
Base is level
Base is suitable for installation of precast units
Base is clear of debris
Any tree roots have been trimmed as per the design
Any smeared surfaces have been roughened as per the design
Excavated material is not being stockpiled on edge of excavation
Excavated material is not compacting the infiltration medium
Ground conditions are as expected in the design
Groundwater conditions are as expected in the design
Bedrock conditions are as expected in the design
Ground is not being compacted during excavation


During Backfilling Yes No N/A Comments
Other drainage inlets, outlets or other components have been installed as per the design
Precast soakaway units are as per the design
Precast soakaway units have been installed as per the design
Backfill material is as per the design
Backfill material has not been contaminated
Backfill is being compacted as per the design
Geotextile material is as per the design
Geotextile has not been contaminated with dirt or sediments
Geotextile has been installed in accordance with the design
Geotextile has been installed without tearing or puncturing
No voids are present behind the geotextile
Completion Yes No N/A Comments
No sediment has been allowed to enter the system
Inlets are working and clear of debris
Outlets are working and clear of debris
Soakaway is clean and free of debris
Soakaway has been tested and is operating as per the design
No settlement of surrounding soils